Category Archives: Plumbing

Household plumbing checklist for every day, week, month and year

If you have ever wondered how often you should get your drains cleared, or your hot water serviced or your rain water tank cleaned, we have created a complete check-list for your house hold plumbing that should be carried out on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Daily plumbing maintenance What you do on…
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What should you do when you get brown water from taps

Brown water, or more commonly seen as having yellowish, muddy appearance, can be caused by a number of reasons. So if you are wondering why am I getting brown water from my tap, here are a few culprits that could be causing the nuisance. Galvanized Wrought Iron Pipes Internal pipes in your house’s plumbing could…
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5 Tips to Saving yourself a Fortune in Plumbing Repairs

Your home’s plumbing when ignored for prolonged periods of time can soon turn into costly repairs as the result of water waste and damage on your property. Taking care of your plumbing and fixing issues as soon as they arise is a sure shot way to keep those hidden pipes behind the walls and the…
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Unusual plumbing done around the world

Hygiene routines, plumbing systems and the standard of cleanliness is conceived differently in different parts of the world. So we gathered this interesting list of plumbing systems done around the world. Time for a squat Before you get tricked into thinking that this is a lousy job done by a dodgy plumber, read this. Turkish…
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